To ensure that you achieve goals that you set for yourself, it is essential that you have a positive attitude, that you are dedicated, disciplined and that you exercise regularly. It is also crucial that together we set realistic and attainable goals for you.
What does BoxingFit do?
We are an online fitness training business:
- Personal training sessions are custom designed to fit your physical requirements. This ensures that you receive the highest possible benefit from the workouts.
- The programs designed for the bootcamp classes one-size-fits-all. They are affordable, and the workouts are challenging.
- An exercise mat(recommended); all other gym-type equipment is optional.
- Access to Skype, Zoom, Google Meets/Hangouts or WhatsApp video calls.
- The size of the area for training depends on the size of the class. The bigger the class, the bigger the exercise area. Small spaces are more than sufficient for personal training.
Why is it important to have a fitness instructor?
An instructor: *
- Holds you accountable for your workouts and your diet.
- Guides you towards a healthy lifestyle.
- Helps you habituate a healthy lifestyle, so you can continue to be healthy, and fit should you decide to go on your own.
- Supports and supervises you during workouts.
- Teaches you effective and efficient exercise techniques.
- Designs exercise routines that are balanced and consistently challenging, therefore avoiding plateauing.
- Ensures that the exercises prescribed are safe for you to carry out.

Gaia have their own health care product range and personal care product range, which are all made from natural substances.
Disclaimer: * Instructors are aware that each person's physiology is different. Therefore, the effects of the type of service that BoxingFit offers for private and/or semi-private sessions may vary.
The instructors will therefore custom design each private and/or semi-private clients' programs to meet the physiological needs of each client and for best results possible.
The exercise routines designed by the instructors for the Bootcamp classes are one-size-fits-all. If a member of the class struggles due to lack of fitness or injury, the instructor will recommend a more appropriate exercise for the member to execute instead.
The instructors will therefore custom design each private and/or semi-private clients' programs to meet the physiological needs of each client and for best results possible.
The exercise routines designed by the instructors for the Bootcamp classes are one-size-fits-all. If a member of the class struggles due to lack of fitness or injury, the instructor will recommend a more appropriate exercise for the member to execute instead.