Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However remember this, it is not that you eat bteakfast that matters, it is what you eat for breakfast that matters. So a bowl of crispies is not going to cut it. Fruit or oats, for instance, is a much better choice.
3. 1/2 cup raisins 4. 1/2 cup raw cashew nuts 5. 1/2 cup rice milk powder 6. 1 teasppon of cinnamon 7. 1-2 cups water Method: add all above ingredients and blend together. It's yummy and gives you sustainable energy plus beneficial nutrients. Bon apetite! When exercising, it is important to have a balanced program, but more importantly is how you perform each exercise.
*Disclaimer: All content provided on this "Health and Wellbeing" blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.
The owner of Health and Well-being will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. Health & Well-beingColin White - owner of BoxingFit
"I am a qualified personal trainer with over 15 years experience and I am passionate about health & well-being". Categories
July 2018
DisclaimerPlease note that the information that is posted on the Health & Well-being blog, because each individual is physiologically different, may be successful for some people and unsuccessful for other people.
Please consult with your professional, that is dietician, personal trainer or G.P. before trying any of the diets or foods and the exercises and exercise routines that have been suggested on this blog. |
Healthy Living
To be healthy, live healthy. Moderate exercise and eating natural healthy foods can mean a full life of enjoyment and bliss.