Yoga has various advantages to the body. These advantages include enabling the muscles to become tighter, boosting the level of energy in the body, and increasing strength. The other benefits include ensuring that the body becomes increasingly flexible and reducing the amount of the excess fats in the body. Yoga aids in toning the body and give it a desirable shape. The different poses employed in yoga help the muscles in the stomach to be tightened. Taking part in yoga will help you to have that flat tummy that you see on magazines. Yoga will also help in the toning of the thighs, the legs as well as the legs.
Strong legs-wide squats
Yoga is important in strengthening the legs. Yoga is able to tone all types of legs regardless of your career and this will include the people who take part in modelling amd sports.It helps in working out the thighs as well as the hips. It can also assist in working out your bottom. You can choose to implement the squats that are wide. You should ensure that your feet are wide as you attempt this type of yoga. They should be broader than the hips. Practising yoga regularly helps in joint pain relief.
The solution?
Start this pose while standing upright. You should then lower your body. The hips should go downwards. Your knees should be bent. The palm of your hands should then be brought to your chest. They should be at the center of your heart. The elbows should then be pressed firmly. They should be at the knees. You should aim for the inside part of the knee. As you do this, you should be widening the hips. The weight should then be shifted to the heels. It should help in lengthening the head. It should be in the direction of the ceiling. You can then hold several deep breaths, and these can be five.
Extending the squat
You could also choose to continue the squat to become wider. It is achieved by letting go of the floor.
The solution?
Firmly press the stomach, and this should be in the direction of the floor. Your head can then be relaxed. You should remain in that position for several breaths. You can use five counts.
Strong abs-warrior pose
Strengthening of the abs has the advantage of the ideal body. It can lead to having the right shape for a bikini. It helps in the prevention of back pain. It can also improve the posture of the body. Yoga enhances the balance of the body and this can lead to increased flexibility when engaging in sporting activities. It helps in increasing self-confidence both when you are naked and when you have clothes. The warrior posture helps in the strengthening of the core as well as the abs. It is achieved through the use of one leg for balancing. It leads to the utilization of the abs to stabilize.
The solution?
You achieve this by first using both feet to have your balance. Your arms are then extended as you inhale. You have to assume a T position. You then bend towards the floor. You should bend from your hips. As you do this, you should exhale. You then lift the right leg. It should be in the direction of your back. You then hold for a couple of breaths. As you count the breaths, your navel should be drawn in the direction of your spine. You then bring your foot to the ground by lowering the leg on the right. The same is repeated with the other leg.
Camel pose
The camel posture can also help in tightening your core. The back-bend aids in increasing the flexibility of the spine. The position also contributes to tightening the shoulders that are opened. You should attempt to use your shins for standing.
The solution?
The knees should be apart. You can then lean back. Your hands should rest on your heels. The back in this position should be arched. It should allow the head to fall in between the blades of the shoulder. You should then continuously press forward the hips. It should help in engaging the thighs as well as the abs. It also engages the tush. You should then count five breaths. You should ensure that you enjoy this pose as you perform it.
Side toning
The proposed poses should be attempted for sides, the right and the left.
The solution?
You should put your feet together as you stand upright. The knees can then be bent. You then squat towards the floor. The torso should then be rotated. Your elbow on the right should then cross over to the thigh on the right. You should ensure that it is on the outside part. You should then attempt to lift your torso. It is achieved by pressing the arm on the right outwards. You should then count several deep breaths. While you count, you should be gazing over the shoulder on your left side.
The different poses help in toning the various parts of the body as well as strengthening the muscles. However, care should be taken while performing the poses. Whenever you realize that there is any pain during the poses, you should stop.
Top 6 Workouts to Tone Your Body
Author Bio
Annie Lizstan works as a health and beauty consultant for online websites and an independent researcher by profession. She had completed her studies at the University of Arizona and lived in Wasilla, Alaska. She always likes to explore her ideas about health, fitness and beauty. In her recent period, she got an opportunity to explore on beauty product youthology.She has experience researching as a passion as well as profession. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.